Mirela Ivičević
Composer from Austria
“Mirela Ivičević is one of the truly exciting musical personalities of our time”
In her works, Mirela Ivičević weaves a wide variety of sound material into multi-layered works that change direction and speed like a rollercoaster ride full of surprises, offering unexpected twists and turns and constantly revealing the “subversive potential of sound”.
In her differentiated and dynamic form of expression - “raw, imperfect, unpolished” - she integrates a wide variety of sources with exuberant imagination and technical mastery to create sample-like acoustic collages in which she addresses personally and socially relevant political issues.
The Belmont Prize will be officially awarded in 2025; the award ceremony will take place on the occasion of the 7th MKO subscription concert on May 22 at the Prinzregententheater in Munich.